Connected law shortening distances to your day to day to your business

Connected law

to your business

What moves us

We believe that the traditional way of exercising the Law does not supply all the demands and challenges that present themselves today.
Businesses don’t have time to wait for the sluggishness of the the judiciary world, the dynamics of competitiveness does not allow it.
We believe that the Lawyer must connect with practical life, dynamically, and above all, an active attitude.
We work tirelessly to shorten the distance between legal demands and business development.

Our team

Our main services


Tax law

Tax and fiscal influence on management and decisions that influence the daily lives of organizations.


Commercial contracts

A personalized action can significantly increase the chances of success when applying advanced techniques for negotiating conflicts.


Litigation, Prevention and
Conflict Resolution

Businesses do not have time to wait for the slowness of the judicial world, the dynamics of competitiveness do not allow this.


Insolvency, Restructuring and
Recovery of Assets

All entrepreneurs know that poorly structured or poorly charged credit may not be recovered or even take decades to be partially or fully recovered.


Family Office and
Wealth Management

A busca por maior controle na gestão de seus negócios tem incrementado o interesse das famílias na constituição de Family Office.


Real Estate Law

Understanding the sensitive and specific points of each real estate business with the expertise to provide personalized work with technical efficiency and agility.


Legal Controllership

Department consisting of lawyers with an exclusive focus on preventive monitoring of legal and administrative claims in order to anticipate clients on legal liabilities, in order to allow the elaboration of procedural and financial strategies with predictability.

Our applied intelligence

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